Wednesday, May 9, 2012

6/16 Dress Rehearsal & 6/17 Student Production is Approaching!!!!!

In the coming weeks, You will be given a Student production handout that will answer the questions you may have concerning the DancExplosion Arts Center Dress Rehearsal on June 16, 2012 & Student Production to be held June 17, 2012 at the Greater Pittsburgh Masonic Center on Cemetery Lane.  There is bound to be some confusion, however, with everyone’s cooperation, the system used will keep this confusion to a minimum.
Tickets will be on sale beginning Saturday, June 2 at 10 am through Thursday, June 14 th.  
 Tickets can be purchased once the dancer’s account has been paid in full for the season. ALL SEATS ARE RESERVED, ASSIGNED, AND SEATING IS LIMITED. There are only 500 seats available for this performance.  All seats in the theatre provide ample viewing but it is suggested that you purchase your tickets early for optimal seating. Tickets for the performance will be $10. Anyone requiring a seat must purchase a ticket. Handicapped Accessible seating is available. Please let the front desk know if you have special requirements.  Babies under the age of 2 years can sit in the lap of a parent but please be considerate of your fellow audience members when dealing with your young children. Tickets can be purchased at the door the evening of the performance for $12 (seats cannot be selected at this time). 

Classes June 11-14 will remain as scheduled.  There will be no changes to the dance schedule. 
Beginning at 3:00 at the Greater Pittsburgh Masonic Center.  
Schedule to be handed out shortly. 
The studio will be closed on June 15-17.  There will be NO regularly scheduled CLASSES on SATURDAY, JUNE 16 so that the staff may finish the final details and preparations for the performance.

·       11:45 am Assistant Teachers Arrival
·       12:15: Petite, Junior, Teen & Senior Company Arrival, Stretching & Final Details
·       12:30: DEAC Petite-Level 3 student CALL TIME
·       12:45: Intro to Dance & Kinderdance Students Arrival
·       1:00: Door open to the public
·       1:30: SHOWTIME!!!!